Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Importance of english language in videogames

Yeah, it seems that i have more international readers. People from Japan and Denmark, welcome!.

Today i will speak about something i have to do all the days in my work... use the english language. I begin study english when i was very young (6-7 years) but I never give this the importance it has, until I have to play the videogame Phantasy Star, an rpg from the Master System console. It was in english, so i have to use dictionary for following the story.

Now I have two bosses that use the english language as their mother tongue, and there are in the company mates from sweden, portugal, france and several countries more... in a company of 30 employees. We have to speack in english with the distributors too.

As you can see even working in Barcelona (Spain), I have to use my english more times that my spanish (or valencian, due to working in a catalan territory). The problem begins when english is not my mother tongue. I have used spanish all my life, i think in spanish and i feel in spanish. If i have to make a joke, i prefer spanish, if i have to explain a feeling, i prefer spanish, and so on.

But, thinking with care about that, i prefer losing my mother tongue (something i think never will happen) that having not the possibility to talk with other person because we don't understand the other one languaje.

In videogames english is important, first of all, because the syntax of programming languages is english (for... if... ) . If you have to present any document to a publisher, the most usual is presenting it in english. And, if you go to any conference, expo or similar, the most usual is speaking in english.

So, as you can see, is very important to know a bit of english for working in videogames industry.

Opa Opa forever!

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