Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Europe is living a presentation

Ey! (ho, let's go). It's time for introducing myself. I am a spanish videogames designer (yes, there are people doing videogames in spain, like the company where i am working now) and i have created this blog in according to several reasons:

A) To share my thoughts and opinions about videogames, specially about creating videogames. Beginning with this part, i have to say that i think that to be a true videogames designer is more a way of thinking that a work. If you are a true videogame designer you will be thinking in converting all you see in videogames.

B) To reach this aknowledge to people don't understand spanish. If you can and you want to see my spanish blog, click here. I have to say that in spanish sometimes i tell you things about my real life, so enjoy XD.

C) For improving my written english. By now I have to work with people from USA and England, so i need to improve my written english. If you see some mistake in my texts, please report to me (for example, writing it as a comment).

So... till next time.
Opa Opa forever!


La vuelta al día en ochenta mundos said...

I just got to your blog by coincidence...Well, not really, I'm interested in videogames. I'd rather say in making videogames.

I'm also spanish (living in Denmark) but we can stick to english, it'll be more healthy for this your new blog.

Good luck then!

Ramon Nafria said...

Thanks, you are my first comment :P.
