The first in the list is a musician: David Font (I think Barcelona, 1979) a computer scientist and musician who has done a lot of things, more or less all the things well.
Speacking about videogames, David Font had performed the original soundtrack of videogames like Yume, Sudoku and Legend of Dragon. For me the the soundtrack from Yume is one of the best soundtracks from past year, based in the subjective perception of remembering the soundtrack after playing the game a little bit.
From Legend of Dragon I have to say that the music is one of the few things with enough score for passing the exam of the critics (together with the graphics) I can't tell nothing about Sudoku, because I haven't played yet. This game was programed by him too, and he has worked in other projects as graphist.
He has a sound engine for portable dispositives, and a lot of things that never were released. Now works for mobile games from Lemon Quest, and programming the sound engine for One putherethenameyouprefere.
Appart from this, is a man that does a lot of things, like helping in S2e and several campus party. He is married, has a dog, and is teacher in a videogame master from Politechnic University of Cataluña.
More information here (I suggest using internet explorer).