Nerlaska has finished its videogame "Dracula Twins", a game that takes the pandemonium formula and merges it with some imaginery derivated from games like castlevania, ghouls and ghost. It's said that could be bought on 21 of november by web. More info here.

The next week, on wednesday 18, is the first igda madrid meeting, and that is a good new because is the first time the companies from spain have a serious meeting. Its needed to make more things for advancing in videogames. It's expected that i won't be there (i have to work on wednesday and thursday) but is a good new.
Another good new is the exposition about space invaders at "el tossal" gallery, located at "el tossal" square in Valencia. Its free and will last until 30 of november.
More info (sorry, in spanish) here.
And its supossed that the finalists of the art futura contest will be announced tomorrow. When i have the information i will edit this to add it.
Till this moment... Opa Opa forever!
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