Monday, January 22, 2007

News from 1st Contest of Game Development "You can do it too".

First of all, we have to say thanks to Pengo, Hackit, Nerlaska, Viralgames, Diego C, Ethy and the Anaitboys, because by their action the prizes of the contest are actually:

1st Prize: 300 euros (the same as ever).
2ndPrize: 200 euros (new!)
3st Prize: 100 euros (new!)

Special prize to portability: 100 euros (New!)
Worst game among the finalists: A determinate game (New!)
Best platform game: a Dracula Twins (New!)

If you want to sponsor the contest you have time till 15 of March. If you arrive later it will be saved for the second edition.

And finally we have a candidate! It's a caracolian version of "el tio penas 3", from hachimorriac. Here you have a screenshot:

Friday, January 05, 2007

1st Contest of Game Development "You can do it too".

Hello everyone. Happy New year, and so on. There has passed a lot of time since the last post i wrote here.

Ladies and gentlemen, the time has arrived. In my way of thinking we should make something for the people we have near. When i was working at Barcelona i wanted to give 10% of the money i had saved for some social activity - to help the fellow men. As i am not in Barcelona, it is not logic to make this, and as the money i have saved has not come from Valencia, it is ilogic too to give this money to the city. I can give it to my country, but is a bit difficult, so I will give this money to... videogame! (or digital interactive leisure, if you prefer).

For this i summon the first contest"you can do it too". Because, my friend, you can do it too. The requirements are very simple: Before the (24 hours of the 4 of june ) the day 5 of june of 2007 the contenders have to send one videogame where the first hostile element should be ... a snail.

Yes, a snail. Its the same the size or the form, but should look crearly like a snail. When we say hostile element could be an enemy from a platform game, a spaceship with the shape of a snail, a puzzle piece with the shape of a snail, or a very unpleasant snail in a graphics adventure.

The reason behind this is a homage to all the snails that invaded us in the late's 80s videogames, when they represented the supreme wickness, wickness that recent videogames like "mapple story" have recovered. Because a snail can have... very bad slime.

Speaking about the prize: 300 euros. Yes, real euros. I don't know a lot about laws, but i suppose that is small enough for not having problems. If I can (any volunteer) i will give more prizes, but now we "only" have this. The prize could be considered "desert" if any contestant doesn't arrive to a minimum of quality (this should be determined by a sworn, formed by person with prestige and ackowledge of videogames world), and i will inform here about any notice or change at this respect.

The game can work in any gaming platform, but if it is a strange one it should be packed with the game (this is, early each thing that is not pc). The rest of the people can send the executable to (doubts also here). The presentation and the rest of details will be announced with posterity.

Mucha suerte, and Opa Opa forever!.

pd: This is the same post than this, but in english.
pd2: Sorry for my english... if you see any mistake please write a comment.