Hello everyone. Happy New year, and so on. There has passed a lot of time since the last post i wrote here.
Ladies and gentlemen, the time has arrived. In my way of thinking we should make something for the people we have near. When i was working at Barcelona i wanted to give 10% of the money i had saved for some social activity - to help the fellow men. As i am not in Barcelona, it is not logic to make this, and as the money i have saved has not come from Valencia, it is ilogic too to give this money to the city. I can give it to my country, but is a bit difficult, so I will give this money to... videogame! (or digital interactive leisure, if you prefer).
For this i summon the first contest"you can do it too". Because, my friend, you can do it too. The requirements are very simple: Before the (24 hours of the 4 of june ) the day 5 of june of 2007 the contenders have to send one videogame where the first hostile element should be ... a snail.
Yes, a snail. Its the same the size or the form, but should look crearly like a snail. When we say hostile element could be an enemy from a platform game, a spaceship with the shape of a snail, a puzzle piece with the shape of a snail, or a very unpleasant snail in a graphics adventure.
The reason behind this is a homage to all the snails that invaded us in the late's 80s videogames, when they represented the supreme wickness, wickness that recent videogames like "mapple story" have recovered. Because a snail can have... very bad slime.
Speaking about the prize: 300 euros. Yes, real euros. I don't know a lot about laws, but i suppose that is small enough for not having problems. If I can (any volunteer) i will give more prizes, but now we "only" have this. The prize could be considered "desert" if any contestant doesn't arrive to a minimum of quality (this should be determined by a sworn, formed by person with prestige and ackowledge of videogames world), and i will inform here about any notice or change at this respect.
The game can work in any gaming platform, but if it is a strange one it should be packed with the game (this is, early each thing that is not pc). The rest of the people can send the executable to
nae@stratos-ad.com (doubts also here). The presentation and the rest of details will be announced with posterity.
Mucha suerte, and Opa Opa forever!.
pd: This is the same post than
this, but in english.
pd2: Sorry for my english... if you see any mistake please write a comment.